Thursday, January 19, 2006

Address to the Rally For America

Here is the address Thomas Newton delivered to the Rally For America at Lake Eola, Orlando, FL on 22 FEB 03. It was carried live on 540 WFLA radio, and was on all the local TV stations nightly news broadcasts. The next rally will be in San Antonio, TX, then across the nation. There was a crowd of 2,500 TRUE patriots, all waving American flags of all sizes and shouting, USA USA USA USA .... It was a sight to behold.

Address to the Rally For America by Thomas Newton
(Orlando, Florida February 22, 2003)

Normally, when a poet is introduced there is a long list of awards that he has received from his peers. But the way things are going LATELY--I am very proud to announce that I have NOT received the Nobel Prize in Literature. I am proud that I am NOT the U.S. Poet Laureate, the British Poet Laureate, or the Poet Laureate for the state of New Jersey or Connecticut. I am proud that I have NEVER been published by the magazine Poetry or the Atlantic Monthly. I am proud that I have NOT received any prizes from the Modern Poetry Association, the Academy of American Poets, the Poetry Society of America, or National Endowment for the Arts. I am proud that I have NOT received the Lambda Literary Award, the National Book Award, or the Pulitzer Prize. I am proud that I have NOT received a grant from the Guggenheim Foundation or the Ingram Merrill Foundation. I am ALSO proud that I HAVE received the Stephanie Award which states, "I just wanted to say that I've read the poems, as well as [Thomas Newton's] other posts, and I have enjoyed them very much. He's a TRUE poet, unlike so many of the tax-subsidized free-verse politicians at my university."

I intend to make you proud and happy today, and then I intend to make you sad.

I have a statement for Sam Hamill, who "was overcome by a kind of nausea" when he received an invitation from the White House for a poetry symposium. The reviews are in for the 10,000 poems at the Poets Against the War website. The garbage stench from your website has nauseated a whole nation. The stench is so bad that it can be smelled all the way over in Kuwait, and if it becomes too bad our U.S. military is equipped with gas masks.


I have a statement for the First Lady, Laura Bush. As Sean Hannity would say, "Let not your heart be troubled," and thank Gawd that FINALLY, we have a First Lady that we can be proud of.


And thank Gawd that FINALLY, we have a Commander-in-Chief that we can be proud of.


And there isn't ANYTHING we wouldn't do for him!


I have a statement for HollyWEIRD. You are only PRETEND heroes in movies and on television. Come back to the real White House, the real world, and the real heroes that are fighting and dying so that you can have your spoiled brat "Tinseltown."


Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” On Friday, January 31st, the Wall Street Journal put out an urgent call for conservative poets to counter the Poets Against the War, Poetry Day on February 12th, less than two weeks away. More than 300 e-mails were received and 45 of the Patriot Poets were chosen for publication. Quoting the Wall Street Journal, “In late November, [2001], CIA officer Johnny “Mike” Spann became the first U.S. casualty in Afghanistan. Thomas Newton penned this tribute to him.” The Wall Street Journal was unable to present the poem with all of its parts; the title, the dedication, the epigraph, which is a quotation from Sean Hannity, and the body of the poem; because of their format. At this time the entire Newtonian sonnet will be recited.


Dedicated to Johnny Micheal Spann

And when we see people make these kinds of commitments—and pay the ultimate price, with the currency of their own blood—it is our duty to them, their families, those who have gone before them, and those who will follow, to honor them. –Let Freedom Ring, Sean Hannity


From Winfield, Alabama to the sands
Of far away Afghanistan; from strife,
To solitude and friends and grateful hands
Soothing his son, his girls and his wife;
From happy hometown football fans’ loud cheers,
To solemn ceremony, solemn praise,
All confirmed by a grateful nation’s tears
As seven polished Marine rifles raise;
From aquamarine birthstone, childish fun,
Winfield High, Auburn, and a need to roam
To stately white headstone at Arlington
National Cemetery, his new home;
From their first words and Cupid’s gentle shove,
To her last farewell, “Semper Fi, my love.”

God bless all of you for coming to the rally, and God bless America.

(Salutes the audience and does a snappy “about face,” and returns to his seat on the platform)

Let's Roll,

Thomas Newton
Conservative Poet


Blogger prying1 said...

Hi Mr. Newton - I got to your website and this posting via searching the words "Crag and Sand" (a book title by Irene Bruce - Founder: Reno Poetry Workshop) The words on your site are in a different posting (Bonzai Poetry Tree)

It is amazing how the loony left has taken over most of the award and Poet Laureate slots in this nation. This only makes the awards close to useless because if the content is officially, politically approved the form and quality does not matter.

It is only right for true poets of every stripe to shun the awards from these groups. Unless or until they can be taken back from those who misuse their office.

Be encouraged and keep up the good work!

7:48 AM  
Blogger Thomas Newton said...


Thanks for the encouragement. I don't get much of that.

Thomas Newton
Conservative Poet

6:12 PM  
Blogger Conservative Poet Tom Zart said...


America, the abundant, the place I was born
I'll cherish till the day I die.
Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground
Who loved her the same as I.

Her mountains are so tall they reach for the sky
With prairies where the green grasses grow.
There's billions of trees where wild birds nest
With creatures that flourish below.

That blue gold called water with which we are blessed
As raindrops or crystallized snow;
Changes to rivers and fresh water lakes
While the winds of our seasons blow.

There's the haunt of a whistle from a lonely freight train
Racing on ribbons of steel
With the harvest of farms and from the factories
Balanced in a box on a wheel.

Some cities have buildings a hundred stories tall
Structures of concrete, glass and steel.
A statue in a harbor, a present from France
Describes how, inside, we feel.

That flag on the moon with red and white stripes
Proves America’s dreams come true.
A country of heroes who line up to protect
The past, the present and the few.

We’ll defeat terrorism as it should be fought
Never letting Satan’s horde chase us to our door.
Safeguarding our borders and system of life
As our forefathers sacrificed before.

Never be afraid to be proud of America
And march with the brave, faithful and just.
Refusing to submit to the will of our enemies
Standing firm to preserve what we trust.


All through history man was born to struggle
Surviving nature, disease, greed, and war.
Since his conception he has remained the same
Choosing to serve evil or good as before.

Our boys and girls face the teeth of the dog
In hot spots all over our earth.
They leave their families and all they love
To protect and preserve what liberty is worth.

The foes they face are the mad dogs of man
With a desire to kill, disfigure and enslave.
They sing and dance to the death of others
Teaching principles of hate till the grave.

Support our troops who battle the horde
While we live the good life back home.
When you see a soldier show them your smile
Say “hello we love you and your not alone.”


Wherever dwell the mad dogs of man
There is corruption, plunder and hate.
In every city, town, or village
Those who promote distrust deserve their fate.

All are born as an innocent child
Till mislead by others along the way.
God has always loved his children
Though it breaks His heart when they stray.

The mad dogs of man never repent
For they have no sense of shame or sorrow.
Worshiping dominance and the dark side of life
Abusing victims as if there were no tomorrow.

God gives the will to sin no more
And to overcome evil unwilling to cease.
The mad dogs of man must be stopped
Who murder, rape and destroy world peace.

Samson, Solomon, and David
Were chosen by God to stand tall.
They faced great odds and the fear of death
Refusing to ignore their call.

The time has come for the good men of earth
To band together to restrain the horde.
Standing firm against tyranny where it exists
Putting the mad dogs of man to the sword.


Wars are waged by older men
In battle rooms in countries apart.
Who call for greater firepower
And troops for the combat chart.

While out among the shattered flesh
The dreams of all have turned gray.
So young and determined their faces were
Till on the battlefield they lay.

Unable to overcome their pride
The politicians cast their vote.
For this or that or something else
As the rage of war sounds its note.

Wherever wars are won or lost
The soldiers fall like toys.
Down through history it remains the same
Most who die are hardly more than boys.

Like monkeys in a revolving cage
Man squabbles for the peanuts of power.
When will we rise above our greed
And become as a beautiful flower?

Death to death, dust to dust
The wrath of war is a horrible crime.
It’s the beast within that still prevails
As it has through the torments of time.


As war is fought it takes charge
And events spin out of control.
The madness of men can alter the soil
Which nourishes the roots of their soul.

Many things will forever change
Far more then wished to be.
As the wrath of war starts to destroy
Those things we fight to keep free.

War is the greatest plague of man
Religion, state, and sanity.
Any scourge is more preferred
Than the one which disables humanity.

When war breaks out, boundaries change
And all who die are a token
Of the rage that must run it's course
Before words of peace are spoken.

War I hate, though not men, flags nor race
But war itself with its ugly face.
When we lose faith in the brave, which die
Then we're not fit to greet those who cry.

What distinguishes war isn't death
But that man is slain by fellow man.
Crushed by cruelty and injustice
With his enemy's murderous hand.

War tends to punish the punishers
So the losers won't suffer alone.
The essence of war is but violence
Till the survivors come marching home.

Sometimes it's hard to defend what's right
Sometimes we're forced to rise up and fight.
Sometimes we survive, while others must die
Sometimes never knowing the reason why.

The rush of combat is a natural buzz
Caused by fear, leaving nothing as it was.
Hunting one another like wild game
Without a shortage of those to blame.

Sometimes victory comes too slow or quick
Sometimes the cost on both sides is sick.
Sometimes God is asked to intervene
To help stop the savage from being so mean.

War is a hell we visit before death
Fueled by the whisper of the devil's breath.
There must be a reason man destroys man
But why it is so, I can't understand.


After suffering the wrath of a sneak attack
America now mourns to her very core.
Though soon her enemies shall all but flee
From the sound of America waging full war.

Let there be no doubt, no doubt at all
That the devil has decided to give us a call.
We shall defeat hell’s soldiers and cast them out
And if we die; that's what freedom is about.

We shall seek them out wherever they may hide
Street by street, house-by-house, cave by cave.
They will be eradicated from the face of the earth
By the righteous, the loyal and the brave.


Overrun with war and uncontrolled leaders
Our world becomes more dangerous each day.
Dishonest politicians, criminals and the media
Survive by their falsehoods at play.

Bible believers preach, that the end is near
Our world as a whole is beyond reform.
God will eradicate all which is wicked
By His fire of eruption and storm.

To evil’s victory, I will never concede
May its supporters anguish in hell.
By the grace of God and the power of faith
The goodness of man will prevail.

What we accomplish is heaven’s measure
As patriots respond to the threats of man.
Protect and defend what we love till death
As the soldiers of Satan arise from the sand.


Our sons and daughters serve in harms way
To defend our way of life.
Some are students, some grandparents
Many a husband or wife.

They face great odds without complaint
Gambling life and limb for little pay.
So far away from all they love
Fight our soldiers for whom we pray.

The plotters and planners of America's doom
Pledge to murder and maim all they can.
From early childhood they are taught
To kill is to become a man.

They exploit their young as weapons of choice
Teaching in heaven, virgins will await.
Destroying lives along with their own
To learn of their falsehoods too late.

The fearful cry we must submit
And find a way to soothe them.
Where defenders worry if we stand down
The future for America is grim.

Now's not the time to fight one another
Or kiss our enemy's cheek.
All through history it remains the same
The strong enslave the weak.

May God continue to bless America
Refusing evil, the upper hand.
It's up to us to stay resolute
Defending the liberty of Man.

By Conservative Poet
Tom Zart
Most Published OPoet
On The Web

6:41 AM  
Blogger Conservative Poet Tom Zart said...

Conservative Poet

He choose his opportunities
To become strong, not weak
By pulling up his boot straps
He acquires the dreams we seek.

His personal goals of well being
Will never stand in the way
Of doing his public duty
No matter what others may say.

His devotion shall prove contagious
It's the brilliance of his kind
What you find within hem
Is great character of mind.

With faith and courage, he must live
For his story to be complete
With good morals and family life
He’ll triumph, even in defeat.

He was raised to participate
Within his community
With their fellow men and women
He’ll enrich life and liberty.

Conservative Poet

By Conservative Poet
Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
On The Web

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Bird of Paradise said...

A enthusiastic speech indeed better then listening to OBAMAS mindless blabbering

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:36 PM  

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